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Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility

通过在可持续性和环境责任方面的全校投资,正规赌搏十大官方注册被授权创造真正的变化. To us, sustainability involves taking a holistic look at environmental, economic, and social factors affecting our communities, the historical systems we are working to change, and creating a world where ecosystems and societies are able to thrive. 

Through academic programming, extensive research opportunities, student action, and a thoughtful plan for the future, 我们正在努力成为宾夕法尼亚州东北部可持续发展运动的领导者,并采取一种创新的, creative approach to our work. We're striving to develop better standards and practices, while educating our communities and challenging local, state, 以及各国政府在环境方面做出有意义的努力.

Buildings, Energy, and Operations

正规赌搏十大官方注册一直努力在校园建立可持续发展的做法, 从改造我们的建筑以提高效率到建立合作伙伴关系,帮助提供对环境负责的餐饮选择, residential life, and campus mobility. 我们努力建立一些项目,让可持续的生活变得更容易、更容易, regardless of background or resources. 

A Laudato Si' University

2021年10月,正规赌搏十大官方注册成为第一个国际队列的成员 Laudato Si' Universities 由梵蒂冈促进人类整体发展部主办, 支持教皇方济各的“迈向整体生态的七年之旅”,这是一种以行动为导向的整体方法,旨在解决世界上七大生态和社会挑战.

Community Garden

In 2010, 眺望地产基金会向正规赌搏十大官方注册植物园颁发了一笔赠款,用于创建社区花园. 这个26块的花园是为员工和社区成员创建的,他们喜欢园艺,但缺乏适当的资源来创造自己的花园. 保留的绿色空间和自然资源帮助人们与自然重新建立联系, advance environmental stewardship, and unite communities. Non-community gardeners are welcome to visit the garden, observe progress, share insight and may even be notified if there is an abundance of fruit, veggies, or flowers to be shared during the harvest.

Follow the gardeners on The Marywood Community Garden Facebook Page.

Sustainable Features

Daylight Harvesting - 当日光照射到空间时,照明控制系统通过灯具降低照明水平,使建筑居住者感到足够明亮. 光线水平的降低降低了照明系统的能耗,同时也减少了建筑的冷负荷. 

Rainwater Harvesting - 雨水收集系统收集和储存收集的雨水,以满足非饮用水的需求. 该系统包括一个储罐、一个小泵、水过滤和紫外线消毒. The storage tank is filled after a rainfall event of approximately 1/2”.

Radiant Cooling - The HVAC system for the studio area is a radiant cooling system. 一系列冷梁使用矿井地热冷却系统的水来满足空间冷却要求. 冷梁系统的冷却比传统的暖通空调系统需要更少的能量.

Geothermal - Marywood and Greenman-Pedersen, Inc., an engineering and construction services firm, 2010年,建筑研究中心将校园地下的废弃煤矿改造成地热能源. 地面耦合地热系统利用地壳的恒定温度来交换能量,用于加热和冷却应用. 地热系统利用两口井从地下提取能量. 

与太阳能和风能相比,地热能的最大优势是全天候可用. 太阳能和风能也会经历不能发电的时期.

Renewable Energy Credits - In 2005, Marywood开始用“可再生能源信用”购买其5%的电力,以支持风力涡轮机产生的电力. 这种比标准能源更昂贵的购买,是对地球未来的投资.

Wind Power - In August 2010, 正规赌搏十大官方注册安装了一台风力涡轮机,利用风能为其水上运动中心供电. Based on its performance, 正规赌搏十大官方注册正在考虑购买多达六台额外的涡轮机,为校园内的其他建筑提供电力. Learn more about Marywood Wind Turbine.

Sustainable Dining - Marywood's Dining Services provider, Gourmet Dining, is committed to protecting the environment, reducing waste, and supporting our local community.

Project Green Thumb - 绿拇指计划鼓励学生正确地分类和处理剩饭剩菜和可以回收或堆肥的材料. Marywood的餐饮服务团队以身作则,回收易拉罐、瓶子、纸板和纸张. 

Trayless Dining - 为了减少食物浪费,Marywood已经从所有的用餐地点移除了托盘, promote healthier eating habits through portion control, and eliminate the water, chemicals, and energy used to wash trays.

Education and Research

正规赌搏十大官方注册的使命是教育学生在一个多样化和相互依存的世界中负责任地生活,包括教他们如何保护自然资源,以便后代继承一个可持续发展的星球. 我们的教师们渴望在他们的课程中加入可持续发展的内容. Many of them are spearheading "green" projects both on and off-campus.



Environmental Science and Environmental Studies

正规赌搏十大官方注册学院提供环境科学和环境研究的本科学位课程. 这些课程旨在让学生使用多学科方法研究这些和其他环境问题.

The Environmental Science program focuses on the interactions between physical, chemical and biological components of the Earth’s natural environment. These components include energy, agriculture, water and air. 环境科学密切研究人类对环境的影响. 

The Environmental Studies program 具有更广阔的视野,既看自然科学,也看社会科学. 您将了解人类与环境的关系,以及环境挑战如何与政治和历史因素交叉, public policy, and the law.